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Map Series


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The map series contains four categories, Click on the particular settings for more information.

Map Series General Properties: In Map Series General Properties you can change the Hover color and Active color of the map as per your requirement. You can customize all the other properties in the series using the Map Series General Properties property in Map Widget.

Heat Legend: Legends provide valuable information for interpreting maps using colors, shapes, or other identifiers based on data. Move a legend to any position like Top, Bottom, Left Right inside the map. A legend is a key used on a map that contains swatches of symbols with descriptions.

Tooltip: Tooltip display a pop-up with additional information about the shapes, markers, and bubbles when hovering over map elements.

Heat Rules: The Heat Rules can be made visible by setting the Heat Rules toggle to true. In Heat Rules you can change the maximum and minimum color of the map widget.

Map Series General Properties

Heat Legend


Heat Rules

In order to understand in detail about other features, click on the following links:-

1. Create Geo Map

2. Create Leaflet Map

3. Formatting

4. Annotation

5. Settings